7 Keto DHEA is a natural metabolite of DHEA which, unlike this substance, is not converted into sex hormones.
The ester acetyl-L-carnitine is not only biochemically similar to the amino acid carnitine, but it also has similar metabolic functions, especially in relation to the energy conversion of food. This nutrient can help increase the formation of acetylcholine in the brain, and thus help balance mood, and improve memory. It can also have a positive influence on the body's fat burning process.
Akne-Plex® contains a balanced combination of nutrients, vitamins, enzymes and trace elements that can help maintain normal skin.
Alpha lipoic acid-ALA® can positively support the natural ageing process and promote normal blood sugar levels and fat metabolism as well as normal cell growth.
AminoBasix ® provides the most important essential and semi-essential amino acids to support the normal production of certain growth factors, maintain normal muscle mass and support the immune system, especially in the case of insufficient intake from food.
Androchron® is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances that are nutritionally lacking or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles in order to maintain normal testosterone levels in men over 50, as well as to support the normal function of the immune system and energy metabolism.
Arthrochron® is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances that are nutritionally deficient or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles to support normal collagen formation for normal cartilage function.
B-Plex combines the most important B vitamins in an optimal administration amount, together with vitamin C and MSM. The various ingredients of B-Plex are crucial for many essential biological functions. The ingredients provide energy for body and mind and contribute to normal energy metabolism, reduction of tiredness and fatigue, and protection of cells from oxidative stress.
Food supplement to maintain normal energy levels. May promote optimal mitochondrial performance.
The ingredients of Biosleep® can positively support sleep. The mode of action of Biosleep® is due to the balanced combination of natural and biogenic ingredients that help to reduce tiredness and fatigue as well as contribute to a normal energy metabolism.
Cardiochron® is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances that are nutritionally deficient or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles in order to support normal heart function and normal blood clotting.
Celluchron® is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances that are nutritionally deficient or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles in order to support normal collagen formation for normal skin function.
Cerachron® is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances that are nutritionally lacking or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles in order to support the maintenance of normal hair and nails.
EDTA can cleanse the body of harmful substances, protect the vascular system and support the normal function of all organs.
Cholesticin® provides nutrients that help maintain normal LDL cholesterol concentrations in the blood.
Chronoslim® is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances that are nutritionally lacking or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles in order to support a normal energy metabolism and the maintenance of a normal blood sugar level.
Cleanzin® is a blend of herbs, fruits and spices that can help the body naturally eliminate waste. This can help to positively support the intestinal flora, maintain normal vitality and balance as well as the immune system.
Co-enzyme Q10 can support the best possible performance and physical well-being.
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Contains 73 important trace elements, calcium and vitamin D. These important nutrients can contribute to the maintenance of normal bones, normal functioning of the immune system and normal energy metabolism and muscle function.
Dermachron® is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances that are nutritionally lacking or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles in order to support the maintenance of normal skin.
Is the basis for many of the body's hormones and a natural hormone support for normal ageing.
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25mg / 60kps
€ 28.30
not available
25mg / 180kps
€ 67.90
not available
Diabetichron® is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances that are nutritionally lacking or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles in order to support a normal blood sugar level.
DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) can activate higher brain functions, support memory, the ability to think clearly, as well as promote learning ability and focused concentration. DMAE can also help maintain brain power and cognitive function.
Ferrochron® is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances that are nutritionally deficient or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles, to support normal energy metabolism and normal red blood cell formation, and to reduce fatigue and exhaustion.
Fertilichron® female is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances that are nutritionally deficient or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles in order to support normal fertility and reproduction in women.
Fertilichron® male is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances that are nutritionally deficient or increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles to support normal fertility and reproduction, as well as normal testosterone levels and spermatogenesis in men.
Florachron® is a chronobiological composition of probiotics (in the morning) and prebiotics (in the evening) to supplement all the vital substances that are nutritionally lacking or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles in order to maintain a normal intestinal flora.
This inhibitory neurotransmitter can promote general mood as well as normal sleep and support optimal muscle mass maintenance.
The mixture of ginkgo biloba and huperzine A can support mental fitness, alertness and the ability to concentrate.
Glucochondrin® is an active ingredient combination of glucosamine and chondroitin that can support the maintenance of normal joint and cartilage function.
Natural food supplement made from the seeds of the Griffonia plant, whose ingredients naturally increase serotonin synthesis and can therefore support a balanced mood.
Among other things, the seeds of the Griffonia plant contain 20 percent of the amino acid 5-hydroxytryptophan, from which the body can produce serotonin.
Griffonia is the successor to 5-hydroxytryptophan
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The bioactive plant substance indole-3-carbinol (I3C®) can positively influence oestrogen metabolism, counteract inflammation and promote normal cell growth.
Immunochron® is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances that are nutritionally deficient or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles, in order to support normal immune system function and protect the cells from oxidative stress.
Although the body can in principle synthesize L-carnitine from the amino acids lysine and methionine, a deficiency is still possible, especially in situations where there is an increased demand. Carnitine is important for supplying the human cells with energy.
Liverxin® is a vital substance combination consisting of amino acids, niacin, vitamin B12, choline, inositol and cysteine to support normal liver function. These effective nutrients can contribute to normal energy metabolism, normal immune system function and normal homocysteine metabolism.
This invigorating root from the South American Andes can promote vitality and sexual desire, help maintain normal energy levels, and supports a normal mood.
Macabido® female offers natural ingredients to support energy levels and libido in women. The combinations of active ingredients for women are optimised to meet their unique needs. They can help to promote libido, sexual stamina and performance as well as a general, positive sense of well-being. Macabido® female can also help to overcome listlessness, lack of energy and general physical exhaustion.
Macabido®male offers natural ingredients to support energy levels and libido in men. The different combinations of active ingredients for men are optimised to meet their unique needs. They can help promote libido, sexual stamina and performance as well as a general, positive sense of well-being. Macabido® male can also help to overcome listlessness, lack of energy and general physical exhaustion.
Microcrystalline hydroxyapatite (MCHC®) is a balanced natural source of minerals to support bones.
Melachron® is a chronobiologically based, pulsating releasing, melatonin formula to supplement the hormone melatonin, which is nutritionally deficient or increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles, to improve the time it takes to fall asleep and stay asleep, as well as to alleviate the subjective feeling of jet lag.
For a restful, natural sleep and a fresh start to the day! Melatonin helps to shorten the time it takes to fall asleep as well as relieve the subjective feeling of jet lag.
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Price Eur
5mg / 60kps
€ 30.55
not available
5mg / 180kps
€ 73.30
not available
Menochron® is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances that are nutritionally deficient or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles, in order to support normal energy metabolism and normal functioning of the nervous system, as well as the maintenance of normal bones and normal muscle function in menopausal women.
Mitochron® is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances that are nutritionally deficient or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles in order to support normal energy metabolism, normal mental function and normal function of the nervous system.
Neurochron® is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances that are nutritionally lacking or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles in order to support normal mental performance and normal mental function.
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids from fish oil: EPA and DHA contribute to the normal function of the heart, DHA to the maintenance of normal triglyceride levels in the blood.
Oncochron® is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances that are nutritionally deficient or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles in order to support normal cell metabolism.
OPC protects the connective tissue and blood vessel membranes throughout the body and has a positive effect on cholesterol levels.
Growth hormone is an important hormone in the human body. It exerts its influence on almost every cell and works to maintain the physiological balance of many factors. Oral HGH can promote normal growth hormone levels in the body by providing release factors for this important hormone via a sublingual spray.
Osteochron® is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances that are nutritionally deficient or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles in order to support the maintenance of normal bones as well as normal muscle function.
Contains saw palmetto, which can help to positively influence the prostate and urinary function in men. It can improve bladder emptying, promote normal urine flow and reduce the urge to urinate at night.
DLPA® (D, L-phenylalanine) is a mixture of the essential amino acid L-phenylalanine and the mirror-symmetrical form D-phenylalanine. DLPA® as well as the individual forms have long been used to regulate mood.
Phosphatidylserine, a component of many foods, is crucial for stimulus transmission between brain cells. When administered orally, it is rapidly absorbed and is able to cross the blood-brain barrier.
Pregnachron® is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances that are nutritionally deficient or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles in order to support a normal energy metabolism, a normal function of the immune system as well as a normal function of the nervous system during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Pregnenolone is a natural and extremely versatile product of cholesterol metabolism and the precursor of several important endogenous hormones.
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Probust® is a blend of selected plant extracts to support female hormone balance with a positive effect on the female breast. Can naturally promote breast growth and firmness.
Prostachron® is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances for men that are nutritionally deficient or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles in order to support normal spermatogenesis as well as normal thyroid function.
Resverchron® is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances that are nutritionally deficient or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles in order to support normal heart function, normal function of the nervous system and normal energy metabolism, and to protect the cells from oxidative stress.
Serochron® is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances that are nutritionally lacking or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles in order to support normal functioning of the nervous system as well as normal mental function.
A balanced, low-calorie and high-fibre diet is the most important prerequisite for good well-being.
Seroslim® can promote metabolism and fat burning and support a normal appetite.
This selected composition of various nutrients, vitamins and trace elements can contribute to the maintenance of normal nerve function as well as normal mental function.
Tribulus is a plant-based dietary supplement that can help keep hormone levels of certain male hormones in normal balance, naturally supporting stamina and energy.
Visiochron® is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances that are nutritionally lacking or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles in order to support the maintenance of normal vision.
Vitachron® female is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances for women that are nutritionally deficient or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles in order to support normal energy metabolism, normal heart function and normal immune system function.
Vitachron® male is a chronobiological composition of micronutrients to supplement all the vital substances for men that are nutritionally deficient or that are increasingly needed due to certain lifestyles in order to support normal energy metabolism, normal heart function and normal immune system function.
This essential nutrient may contribute to normal immune system function and normal energy metabolism. In addition, vitamin C may contribute to the normal function of the nervous system and to an increase in iron absorption.
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